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Whether you're looking to simply refresh traditional white stairs or go bold with brightly painted stairs our guide on how to paint stairs has you covered.
While a white painted staircase is the most traditional look for a home, the inclusion of brightly painted staircase in a myriad of colours can make a huge impact on any home.
Pick your colour
The most common choice is to have a white bannister in your home, but one way to make a small but noticeable impact is to update your hallway to include a grey bannister or grey painted stairs. The braver you are, the darker the shade you could go.
If you’re thinking of new grey hallway and stairs ideas, then consider also black. The addition of black bannisters to a grey and white hallway is one way to up your monochrome game and can truly modernise a grey and white hallway.
Prepare the space
Give yourself plenty of space to work by clearing the area around the stairs and removing any rugs or carpets nearby. Cover any surfaces you don’t want painted in newspaper or a drop cloth, and secure with tape if needed. Finally, hammer down any protruding nails or carpet tacks, and cover with a wood filler to ensure you are working on a flat surface.
Lightly sand the area to create a rough surface for the paint to adhere to – this will help the paint to stick. Ensure the area is thoroughly vacuumed, then use a damp cloth and mild soapy water to clean the areas you intend to paint. Make sure you prime the surface, as a good quality primer will help the paint glide on more smoothly. Check the instructions on the tin to determine the drying time.
Start painting
Apply the paint in even, broad strokes across the surface of the stairs and banisters. If you can, try to avoid going back over surfaces already painted – this will ensure an even finish.
Solvent-based paint will require a second coat after 24 hours, but water-based paint takes much less time to dry. Follow the advice on the tin of the paint regarding a second coat, but there is no need to sand between coats. Once the second coat is fully dry, carefully remove the masking tape to unveil your perfectly painted staircase!