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4 ways you can add colour to your kitchen
If you’re like a lot of people, your kitchen has probably taken over from your living room as the space where you get together and socialise. So, no doubt you want it to feel both welcoming and stylish. That’s why we partner with our friends at Stoves. You can match your beautiful Stoves range cooker with your favourite Dulux shades to create a kitchen colour scheme that’s uniquely you.
Here are 4 kitchen colour scheme ideas to get you started.
Kitchen colour ideas #1 – Try a pop of pink
Who says your kitchen can’t be bright and colourful? If you want to make a bold style statement, then try a palette of hot pinks or reds. Take the Dulux Brave Ground™️ Expressive palette as your inspiration. Paint the walls and cabinets in contrasting shades of Dulux pink – vivid on the cabinet door, soft and dusky on the walls, and you can create a space that’s bursting with fun and energy. Just the thing if you want your kitchen to feel full of life and laughter.
Kitchen colour ideas #2 – Go for warm and welcoming
If you like to get together around the kitchen table for coffee and a catch-up, aim for a palette of warm neutrals. The Brave Ground™️ Trust palette is a good place to start. Take your pick from its range of earthy tones and neutral shades, which you can combine to create a harmonious kitchen colour scheme. The beauty of going neutral is that it works whether you have a modern or a traditional kitchen. Plus, it gives you the perfect foundation to choose a colourful Stoves range cooker and let that take centre-stage.

Kitchen colour ideas #3 – go colourful and contemporary
The Dulux Brave Ground™️ Timeless palette lets you combine contemporary yellows with more traditional browns. It’s the perfect recipe for a balanced modern kitchen. Yet it’s a kitchen colour scheme that feels classic, too. Plus, adding a splash of cheerful yellow is sure to give your mood a lift, whatever you’re cooking up on your Stoves range cooker.
Kitchen colour ideas #4 – go back to nature
If your kitchen faces out onto your garden, it’s nice to choose a kitchen colour scheme that brings the outside in. The Brave Ground™️ Earth palette is a mix of sea blues, mossy green and stony greys. Paired with Dulux Brave Ground™️ they lend your kitchen space a colourful sense of calm. Try this palette if you’re going for a cool, contemporary kitchen colour scheme.
In 2021, our colour experts selected Brave GroundTM as Dulux Colour of the Year. It’s an earthy tone which feels both warm and welcoming, making it the perfect shade to use in your kitchen.

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