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Colour of the Year 2022 Ambassador: Dr Alex and Dr Dulux’s Decorating Tips
As part of his role as Dulux Colour of the Year 2022 Ambassador, Dr Alex George is exploring the power of colour and how it can act as a breath of fresh air in our daily lives. And he’s started by bringing Bright Skies™ into his own home.
Bright Skies™ is a shade that inspires optimism for brighter futures and helps us reconnect with the natural wonders of the world we live in. Dr Alex wanted to bring this uplifting feel to his staircase. And with the help of Dulux Creative Director, Marianne Shillingford, he’s sharing with you his Bright Skies™ makeover and top decorating tips to inspire your next project.

Read on to discover how to achieve a split wall staircase reminiscent of relaxing waters and clear horizons, using Denim Drift for the lower half of the wall, and Bright SkiesTM above it.
Dr Alex and Dr Dulux’s Bright Skies™ decorating tips
Tip 1: Gather your tools
To create your horizon line, you’ll need a piece of string and chalk to help you get the line nice and straight.
Tip 2: Load your string
Pull the string along the chalk so you can make your markings on your wall which you can then follow with masking tape. These can be dusted off later.
Tip 3: Ping your string
Hold your string taut against the wall and pull it away so that it pings back and creates a straight line.
Tip 4: Seal your line
Paint along the edge of the masking tape to achieve a crisp line.
Tip 5: Prep your roller
Use masking tape to remove any loose fibres from a new roller and prevent them from sticking to your wall.
Tip 6: Speed up the job
Choose Dulux Simply Refresh One Coat paint to get the job done quicker.

Tip 7: Save your paint
Once you’ve finished painting, be sure to get all the excess paint off your brush and back into the can. A roller scraper tool can help you save excess paint from going down the drain.
If you’d like to hear more from Dr Alex George, listen to the Let’s Colour Podcast. Or there’s more Bright SkiesTM inspiration in our Colour of the Year 2022 Ambassador Hub.
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